Monday, September 6, 2010

September 1: Visiting Kindergarten

The first opportunity to visit the brand new Grand Rapids Christian Elementary School was during a one hour window when students could meet their teachers!  The beautiful new building was packed with families (a bit overwhelming) on a hot and humid afternoon.  We honestly didn't look around much due to the large number of people; there will be other opportunities in the future to explore more.

We located Koen's kindergarten classroom and his teacher, Mrs. VanSledright.  He proudly handed her the cut out of himself he made (see a previous blog entry).  She asked Koen to find his name on the tables and told him he could keep the book setting on the table at his spot!  She knows the way to Koen's heart...he was thrilled!  She also took his picture.  I realized that Koen might be growing up a little bit as he stood there, smiled, and was happy to let his teacher take his picture.  We explored the classroom for a while before heading out.  It'll be an adjustment for Koen to stay in one room all day.  In preschool, they had five rooms for the two classes to share, each room with a different theme and set of toys.  It looked like his classroom was connected to the other kindergarten classrooms, so maybe they will share the rooms.  I'm sure we'll find out more at the parent meeting. 

On the way out to the car, we needed to stop by the media center.  I think this will be one of Koen's favorite places no matter which school building he's in.  He began wandering around the stacks looking at books, but then we ran into friends from church and he was eager to talk with them. 

As we get closer to the actual start date of school, I have mixed emotions.  I think school will be really good for Koen -- both academically and socially, but going all day, having to pack a lunch, etc. just makes him seem so grown up already.  I'll miss having him around all the time, though I am glad to have the time with Ty and Brielle.

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