Saturday, September 3, 2011

September 2: Spiral Snakes

The kids are always up for painting, and I wanted something fairly simple to do today.  That resulted in Spiral Snakes from  Each kid painted a paper plate on both sides...even Brielle got into it!  The tough part with projects like this is waiting for the paint to dry before finishing the project. 

Once the paint was dry (a few hours later), I cut the plate into a spiral, we added some googly eyes and a red tongue, and the spiral snakes were complete!  Brielle thought hers (pictured below) was great!  She loved shaking it and playing with it!  Koen, who doesn't like snakes, decided to make a puppy face instead.  I'm not sure how that's coming, though.  He may just have had fun painting since his plate is still sitting on the counter.

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