Saturday, November 26, 2011

October 14: Fire!!!

Now that we'd made candles we had to use them for an experiement!  I started by asking the boys if they knew of any ways to put out fire.  Both boys knew that blowing on the flame would put it out...thanks to birthday candles, I suppose.  Koen also came up with water being able to put out a flame.  So we put their guesses to the test!

I lit Koen's candle and asked him to blow on it.  Sure enough!  The flame went out!  Then I gave Ty a small cup of water and asked him to pour it on the flame.  What do you know?  The flame went out!  Then I asked them what they thought might happen if we put the lid on while the candle was lit.  They looked at each other and looked at me and said, "I don't know."  I encouraged them to at least make a guess...especially based on the last two things they'd seen.  So they finally decided that the flame might go out.  We tried it, and wouldn't you know...they flame went out!  I know they're not super confident about making hypothoses, but it's good to start small like this! 

After we experimented with the fire, I asked the boys if they knew what to do if any flames ever got on their clothes.  I hate bringing up "scary" topics like this...I don't want them to worry about getting fire on them, but I want them to have the knowledge.  Both boys denied knowing what to do in that situation, yet when I began to say they need to stop moving, Koen piped up that we need to stop, drop, and roll!  He was so proud of himself and I was proud of him.  So then we practiced what we'd do if fire go on our clothing -- see the picture below of the boys rolling. :)

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