Saturday, September 18, 2010

September 17: Noodle Necklace

Today's plan was simple:  a noodle necklace.  I think it's a rite of passage for a child to make a noodle necklace, isn't it?

I purchased a box of Ronzoni Garden Delight Penne Rigate, which means it had colorful noodles.  It actually worked out well because Ty created a pattern in his necklace so we talked about patterns a little.  Someday, in a real pinch, we can use these noodles to practice sorting (colors) or we can use them to make pictures and designs by gluing them on paper. 

To begin our noodle necklace, I cut the yarn long enough to fit over Ty's neck and then tied a bunch of knots on top of each other on one end.  Then I taped the other end of the yarn onto a toothpick (these have rounded ends so they're not very sharp).  That made the perfect tool for Ty to thread the noodles himself.  When he finished, I simply tied the two ends together, snipped the excess yarn and toothpick "needle" and let him put it on.  The project didn't take long, and he actually won't even wear it because the yarn is too tickly on his neck, but it was time well-spent. 
P.S.  Koen liked the look of Ty's noodle necklace, so he made one the next morning.  He also refuses to wear it because it's too tickly on his neck.  I guess we'll have to get different yarn/string if we're going to wear some of these projects.

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