Friday, February 11, 2011

February 10: For the Kidz

Today began a six-week class for the boys at For the Kidz, a local gymnastics outfit.  They both love to run, jump, "stand" upside down, and do somersaults, so I thought a gymnastics class would be a wonderful thing for them!  I'm so thankful For the Kidz has a class for 3, 4, and 5-year olds so Koen and Tysen can be in class together.  There are 4 girls in their class as well, two sets of sisters. 

I knew it might be an interesting class for Tysen who's never had any kind of school/class setting with a teacher (swimming lessons don't count since it's a parent-child class).  I was hoping Koen would be able to shepherd Ty along, but Koen was just too focused on what he was doing to worry about his little brother.  Their teacher, Mr. Randy, worked really well with a wandering Ty.  Both boys tried everything Mr. Randy asked them to do...even though I guess Ty was shaking with fear a few times.  But no tears!!! 

I was able to watch most of the class through the windows dividing the reception area and the gym.  They make it a very comfortable place for parents to sit and wait with toys for little ones, vending machines with snacks, and magazines to browse.  Or you can just sit and watch.

Koen wasn't sure about going at first, and still maintains he didn't like it, but the way he talked about it afterward let me know otherwise.  Both boys loved the trampolines!  There was a nice variety of things they got to try, and I can't wait to see them grow in this area!  It was fun to see them show Seth a few of the things they'd done in class once Seth arrived home from school!

I had hoped that a class like this would have helped Koen and Tysen burn up some of their never-ending energy, but I believe the class multiplied it!  They were so ramped up all day...running and jumping on everything!  This plan may have backfired in that regard! :)

I forgot my camera on this trip, and doubt I'll be able to take pictures during class, but maybe I can snap a few after class sometime to share some of the fun things at For the Kidz.

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