Friday, February 18, 2011

February 18: Heart-y Animals

Still in the spirit of Valentine's Day week, I chose to do a craft involving hearts today. had a suggestion called "Heart-y Animals" where you could make a number of different animals out of various heart shapes.  Ty was looking over my shoulder and was really excited about making the elephant he saw, so that's what we did!  He didn't really care that we were using hearts to create our new friend, he just liked the elephant.  Ty chose green paper for his, and declared that his elephant must have googly eyes! 

It was a bit tricky for me just free-hand cutting out the hearts, but they turned out OK I think.  I was fortunate that I had a small heart punch so I could quickly and easily cut out all the little hearts used for the trunk.  While it turned out pretty cute, and Ty was thrilled with it, I was disappointed because it turned out to be a mostly-mommy project.  Ty did help me glue things down, but if I had really thought about it before starting, I would have realized he wasn't going to be able to do much of this craft by himself. 

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