Monday, March 21, 2011

March 18: Making Hats with Koen's Class

Koen's teacher recently had surgery on her foot.  She's back at school now and doing well, but I had asked if there was anything I could help her with to make her life a bit easier.  She thought it would be nice to have some help decorating paper hats the kids were working on today, so Tysen, Brielle, and I set off for school. 

Tysen loves going to Koen's school, and he considers Koen's teacher to be his teacher, too!  We got there and Ty settled into a seat right next to Koen and made a hat for himself as well (unfortunately, I forgot my camera!).  It was sweet to see how excited Koen was to have Tysen and Brielle there...he spent all his time with them!  Brielle enjoyed crawling around and exploring the classroom on her own. 

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