Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 24: The Last Day of Gymnastics

The boys started out saying they didn't like gymnastics class (I didn't really believe that), but now they love it!  I know a lot of that has to do with their teacher, Mr. Randy.  He was WONDERFUL with them...encouraging them to try new things, do their best, and helping Tysen stay on task.  They were so disappointed that today was their last day for a while (we're now back to swimming lessons).  We will certainly return to For The Kidz, though!  It might be a little harder to get them excited about it again after I tell them that they won't be able to be in the same class anymore once Koen turns 6, but I'm hoping we can at least find classes that run at the same time so they can go together.  They just love doing things together!  I took a few pictures on their last day of class, so here's a glimpse at what went on during their class.
Tysen and Koen with their teacher, Mr. Randy.

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