Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August 21: Let's Go Fly a Kite!

Last May, Koen received a kite for his birthday from Grandma and Grandpa Davies.  We've talked about pulling it out a few times, but either the wind was great and the weather wasn't, or the weather was great with no real wind.  Today was a nice kite-flying day! 

We crossed the street to Koen's old preschool and Daddy and the boys worked together to get the kite up in the air!  The wind wasn't constant...more gusty, so there were numerous attempts to get it up, but it worked!  The funniest thing was Koen wanting to catch the kite's tails.  The first time he did it we asked him to leave the tails alone since his pulling on them pulls the kite out of the sky.  When he tried it again, it dawned on me that we had just read a book where Curious George hangs on to some kite tails and takes a ride over the city!  When I explained to Koen that he was too heavy to ride a kite like Curious George he was really disappointed, but then just focused on flying the kite with Daddy.

Koen tries to get the kite up on his own.


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