Wednesday, August 3, 2011

June 30: Palmer Park

Palmer Park

One of the items on our summer check list is "Visit a New Park"...meaning a new-to-us park.  Palmer Park is listed at as a great park to check out, and since it isn't too far away from our house it became our "new park" choice. 

I actually missed the entrance to the park...not realizing it's the same entrance as the L.E. Kaufman Golf Course.  Once there, we needed to drive a ways on the property before arriving at the parks.  There were two play areas available, each near a pavilion or picnic area.  Of course, we had to play in both areas just to compare.  The second area was a bit more toddler-friendly which Brielle loved, and the boys enjoyed both areas.  Since they are walking distance from each other, it's no problem to play in both areas in one visit. 

We enjoyed our time there with friends from church -- picnic lunch and all!  It was quite nice that we were the only ones visiting the park so it was easy to keep track of the kids and let them run around.  They loved exploring the forest area, hunting bugs, and playing hide-and-seek .  I loved that it was shady!  The only thing to be aware of if you choose to visit the park is that the kids WILL get dirty!  But isn't that half the fun of being a kid? 
Koen took this picture of Brielle and me
coming down the twisty slide.
 Our friend, Noah, checks out Koen's work
behind the camera.

Koen and Ty down the twisty slide!

Kiersten and Ty playing in the dirt.

"Wheeee!"  Brielle said this each time
she slid down!  So cute!

Koen froggin' around.

Doesn't Brielle look stunning in Mom's sunglasses?
 She thought so!

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