Monday, August 29, 2011

August 9: Real Lemonade

One of the "to-do" items on our summer check list was to make "real" lemonade.  I know the powdered kind is easier to keep on hand and less time-consuming to mix up, but it isn't nearly as healthy for us.  I've actually been making lemonade this summer with bottled lemon juice to get away from fake ingredients, and that hasn't taken too much more of an effort. 

We made some "real" lemonade last summer, too, but this summer we used a different recipe:  Perfect Lemonade.  It claims its title by using a homemade sugar syrup rather than just sugar so the sugar disperses rather than sinks to the bottom of the pitcher. 

I purchased an inexpensive juicer so getting the lemon juice wouldn't be quite as difficult as last time, and it did seem to help the kids!  They also had fun tasting the lemons! :)   Brielle couldn't get enough!

Perfect Lemonade
  • 1 cup sugar (can reduce to 3/4 cup...we did)
  • 1 cup water - for the sugar syrup
  • 1 cup squeezed lemon juice
  • 3-4 cups of cold water
  1. Make the sugar syrup by heating the water and sugar in a small sauce pan until the sugar dissolves completely.
  2. Use a juice to extract the juice from 4-6 lemons, enough for one cup of juice (our lemons were smaller and it took 7 to get one cup).
  3. Add the juice and sugar water to the pitcher. 
  4. Add 3-4 cups of cold water, depending on how strong you like your lemonade.
  5. Refrigerate 30-40 minutes before serving.
Yield:  6 servings

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