Monday, November 22, 2010

November 16: New Carpet!!!

After waiting, set backs, and more waiting, our carpet was finally installed TODAY!  The boys are SO EXCITED about it that they spent the first 30 minutes downstairs sitting on the floor reading books.  Part of that may have been that they hadn't seen these books since we packed the basement up to begin construction months ago. 

Reading all their long-lost books.

After that, Koen asked if I would help them move a few larger things downstairs (the toy box will have to wait...too heavy for Mom by herself!), but for the past hour or so, they've been up and down bringing their toys down one by one.  Of course, for the past several months we've been talking about the basement being the place for all their toys, so they know that's where their toys go, but I just LOVE that they're taking initiative and getting things done!

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