Thursday, November 4, 2010

October 22-24: Chicago!

Koen had been counting the days since August for when we could go to Henry's house!!!  He knew we'd be going after Tysen's birthday and told everyone he met about it.  We'd made plans to visit Auntie Lori, Uncle Steve, and Henry so that Lori and I could do a Premier Designs Jewelry Show together and we could spend some time hanging out with them.  Little did we know when we made these plans 2 months ago that we would be traveling to Chicago the Monday-Tuesday earlier in the week for Grandma Rinsema's visitation and funeral.  Two trips to Chicago in one week after not having been there since July (even before that for Seth and the boys) was a lot, but so worth it!

Koen and Tysen had a great time hanging out with Henry, playing will all of his toys, and reading all of his books.  They also enjoyed the fact that Henry's TV actually gets shows they like, such as Arthur and Micky Mouse (we don't have cable or a dish, nor do we get PBS with the digital box we have).  Koen was excited to have a slumber party in Henry's room, and Tysen was happy to have a slumber party in Mom and Dad's bed (although that wasn't the original plan...apparently the bed is more comfortable than the floor!?!).  Brielle did just fine on her own in the pack-n-play.  :)

The boys enjoyed breakfast out on Saturday morning while Lori and I had the jewelry show and Brielle napped (just an aside...Lori's show was so much fun and she earned A TON of FREE jewelry!!!)  We had thought about going to a Children's Museum in Naperville for the afternoon, but between a late lunch and nap times, plus an early closing time for the museum, we decided to try it another time.  So it was a relaxing afternoon for the group with movies for the adults after the kids were in bed. 

Sunday began with a wonderful worship service in their church.  Koen even went up front for the children's blessing and left with the kids for Children's Worship!!!  He's growing up so much, as last time we were there (a number of months ago) he refused to leave with Seth and ended up staying in church with us.  After a yummy lunch together and some football on TV, we left for home again...with the boys asking when we could come back.

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