Thursday, November 4, 2010

October 15: Visiting Kaye's House

The boys having been wanting to visit my cousin Kaye's house for a long, long time!!!  She is so great about coming here to watch the kids for us, to hang out with me for the night, and to stop by to drop things off.  The kids, though, wanted to go see where she lives, especially after they heard she had cats!  They LOVE animals, and are fascinated with cats! 

Seth was off for the weekend to the Michigan high school state golf tournament with two of his golfers, so I thought this would be a perfect time to invade Kaye's for the night!  She graciously let us invite ourselves over to her apartment for pizza (for the kids) and Subway (for the adults) and to watch a movie.  Of course, the boys picked the movie, so we got in the Christmas mood watching The Polar Express.  They peered at her cats hiding under her bed and even got to meet the kitten Kaye had rescued -- Shelby was a bit more daring and had to investigate the newcomers. 

It was an enjoyable night out for all of us, and as we pulled away, Koen asked when we could come back to Kaye's house again.  :)

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