Thursday, April 21, 2011

April 21: The Dentist and A Movie

The boys were long past due for a visit to the dentist.  Koen had visited my dentist a few years ago and it was a disaster!!!  Fortunately, he doesn't remember that visit, so I just told him that this was his first visit.  Nothing like starting fresh! :)  Tysen, on the other hand, had never visited a dentist.  We went armed with Koen's special puppy and Tysen's blankie...just in case. 

Dr.  Amy gets ready to clean Koen's teeth.
I got a recommendation from our pediatrician for a pediatric dentist.  Dr. Amy Valleau was wonderful with the boys...and she worked with both the good and the bad.  Koen was the model patient!  He did everything asked of him, from x-rays to cleaning.  Tysen started out listening intently, but it went downhill from there.  The tears began when he refused to sit in the chair for x-rays.  He added the sobs and screams when it was his turn to lay in that chair for Dr. Amy to look at his teeth.  As I held him, Dr. Amy was able to examine his teeth, clean them, and floss them all while he protested with his wailing.  Fortunately, he wails with his mouth wide open. :)  

And the good cavities for either boy!  :) 

As a reward for going to the dentist, the boys got to go to the movie Alpha and Omega, another of the Flick's Family Film Festival movies.  Koen had seen a preview for this particular movie on one of his Thomas movies and had said he'd like to see it sometime.  We picked up their friend Ian since Ian's mom was watching Brielle for us.  The three boys were excited about going to the movie theater and enjoyed the movie...especially the physical humor, though I'd say your life would still be complete without spending time watching this flick. 

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