Friday, April 15, 2011

April 5: MegaMind Movie

Celebration Cinima Theaters host the Flick's Family Film Festival from March 11 - May 5.  Each week, the theaters show a different family-friendly movie that's FREE for kids 12 and under and only $3.50 for adults.  During Spring Break, the movie was Megamind.  Seth and I had seen this on a date night a few months before and had found it quite funny, so we thought the boys might enjoy it as well.  We decided to have a date-day, so Seth took Tysen early afternoon and I took Koen early evening.  It was nice to have some one-on-one time!  With this arrangement, we also wouldn't need to find a sitter for Brielle. 

The boys enjoyed the movie theater experience!  Seth reported that Ty was full of questions...many of which the entire audience heard as his whisper volume has yet to be perfected.  :)  And while Koen had been to a movie before, Seth had taken him to Veggie Tales:  The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything a few years back, he didn't remember going, which surprised us...he'd talked about it non-stop for six months after he'd gone! 

Megamind was a bit confusing for them...the character starts out as the villian and becomes the good guy...and the storyline might have been a bit over their heads, but overall experience was fun!

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