Sunday, April 17, 2011

April 15: Palm Frond Collage

With Palm Sunday coming up this Sunday, I thought I'd introduce the celebration to Tysen with this project.  We talked about Jesus coming into a big city riding a donkey and how the people were so excited to see him that they waved these palm branches and laid them in the street for the donkey to step on.  Ty really had one question about the whole story:  Why?  And that question was repeated often as I tried to explain this event.  :)  So to make our palm leaf, I used this link as a guide:  Palm Frond Collage

I cut some strips of green construction paper and tissue paper.  I had Tysen snip them into smaller pieces.  He started out using his scissors but quickly discovered ripped worked better for him. 

I squeezed some glue onto the paper and had him spread it around with a paintbrush.  You can print the template from the link above. 

Tysen carefully placed the various green papers on the palm leaf paper.  He did a great job covering most of it!  After he finished, I cut out the palm shape (you can still see the lines if you use tissue paper), although I'd recommend waiting until it dries before you cut it out as it got a bit messy. :)  We then glued it on a black background.

The finished product!  Once it dries I'd like to add the word, "Hosanna!" at the top. 

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