Friday, April 15, 2011

April 7: Tangled Movie

With it being Spring Break week there were a TON of activities available for kids!  Our library offered a free showing of Disney's Tangled, so I took the three kids while Seth worked on laying our new laminate flooring.  While I know he would have rather been with us, the floor looks wonderful!!! 

There were easily 100+ people in attendance, but the room was large and could easily accommodate us all.  We sat near the back, but were on an end so Brielle and Ty could wander around when they needed to, and Koen and Ty could position their chairs just so and then no one's head was in the way.  Once again, Ty had lots of questions...many of which were loud enough for all to hear, but he wasn't the only one. :)  The movie was great!  We all -- even Brielle -- laughed out loud more than once during this charming story. 

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