Friday, April 15, 2011

March 31: A Teddy Bear Picnic

Both Clifford and Ty shake the maracas during class.
Shake that pom-pom!

Chewing her fingers was more fun than using
the measuring cup as an instrument.
Thanks to the info on, we had a lovely time at our FREE Teddy Bear Picnic at Music Moves for our special event this week.  Children were invited to bring their favorite teddy bear or special pal (the boys took puppies and Brielle had a doll) for an hour of music and rhythm and then finishing the session with a picnic together.  Music Moves provided juice boxes and Teddy Grahams for a snack, but the website had suggested to pack a picnic lunch, so that's what we did.  We were, however, the only ones to do so, so we stayed after the class much longer than anyone else (that was Koen's favorite part of the morning). 

The class itself was well-planned out with fabulous musical and rhythmic activities for the kids led by Teacher Barbara.  We got to play with kitchen utensils as percussion instruments, shake pom-poms, march and dance around the room, and even play with the large parachute (that was Ty's favorite moment of the class).  The boys didn't participate in every activity, but Teacher Barbara had said in the beginning not to force kids to do anything.  I was impressed, though, with how often they did join in!  We received a sample CD with 6 songs to take home and Koen and Ty have listened to it at bedtime every night since! 

Yummy Teddy Grahams!

Koen loves picnics!

Since we attended the Teddy Bear Picnic, both boys have asked multiple times to go back.  This was a one-time deal, though, so unless we sign up for their classes, we won't be able to return anytime soon.  I think it'd be great to join a class or start the kids' piano lessons there sometime, but it may not be in the near future.     

Picnic time!

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