Sunday, April 17, 2011

March 16: Easter Eggstravaganza!

The Easter bunny!

Swimming lessons were cancelled this week due to a big swim meet taking place at the pool, so it worked out perfectly that St. Mark's Lutheran School was holding an Easter Eggstravaganza event.  St. Mark's is the school/church across the street from our home where Koen attended preschool.  When I told the kids where we were going, Koen asked, "Do you think they'll remember me?" :)  Miss Stacie, his preschool teacher, was there and most certainly did remember him which thrilled Koen! 

Balloon puppies!

The hour-and-a-half long event was packed with opportunities -- we participated in only a third of what they offered!  There were crafts, games, balloon animals, the Easter bunny, and egg hunts.  We waited in line for 20 minutes so each boy could get a balloon puppy, and of course, Koen's popped as soon as we arrived home so he sobbed and wanted either for me to fix it or to go back and get a different one.  Since my balloon skills are limited and the event was finished he was left with the harsh reality that sometimes things just aren't fair. 

Trying to make the bunny hop into the Easter basket.

There was an indoor egg hunt for kids five-and-under so both boys went in and found some candy, and then the big-kid egg hunt for five-and-up (those lucky five-year-olds!!!) was to be outside at the end of the event.  Both boys wanted to try the outdoor egg hunt up until the time they found the free snacks in the gym:  fruit, donut holes, and juice!  Why search for food when they hand it out for free? :)  So, no outdoor egg hunt for us, which may have been ok on that rainy morning. 

Ty's turn!  Both boys were successful!
 (Notice Brielle in the background!)

While it would have been fun to try some of the other projects, they time frame was perfect for the kids and they were ready to head home again just as things wrapped up. 

Brielle enjoyed part of a donut hole
and some grapes at snack time.

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