Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 24: Easter Rolls

Cinnamon & sugar covered marshmallow; wrapped marshmallow ready for the oven.

Ty rolls the marshmallows in the melted butter.

I was so excited to make these Easter Rolls (Resurrection Rolls), but was so disappointed with the results!  The recipe obviously worked for others...my mom even mentioned teachers had done these with their classes, but they didn't work for me.  Maybe I didn't seal the dough well enough?!?  The idea is to have the marshmallow represent Jesus, roll it in butter and a sugar/cinnamon mix to represent the oil and spices used for his burial, and then wrap it in a crescent roll -- the tomb.  When you bake the rolls the marshmallows get absorbed into the dough and the "tomb" is empty.  Well, our marshmallows were very much still there as you can see in the picture.  The boys, though, weren't really interested in an Easter Sunday morning project...after all we were at Grandma and Grandpa's house, there were Grandma's cinnamon rolls for breakfast and trains to play with.  Maybe we'll try again next year and see if we can get the desired results.   
Marshmallows still in the dough.  :(

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